Relationships: Emotional Effects Versus Physical Effects

A true relationship between man and woman brings about astounding effects in both the emotions and physique. But the main question one would probably ask is which of these two effects would create a greater impact upon their individual self, and which of these two would make them crumble should their partners decide to flush them away from their lives.

There were researches conducted on this aspect of a relationship, and our team had also received tons of comments from readers and friends about their relationship experiences. From all of that, we can derive one answer to this. Emotional effects are the ones that create the bigger impact rather than the physical effects!

If one were to analyze the issue here, it is actually the emotions that form that strong bond between two people. It is the emotions that make the couple get physical with each other. Getting physical itself in actual fact does not bring any sort of meaning to a relationship, unless it is accompanied by the love and sparks for each other.

You can be holding hands and hugging somebody but it does not necessarily mean that you will fall in love with the person. After all, falling in love does not begin with a physical touch. The root of love and a beautiful relationship lies in the feelings that develop inside the moment you set eyes on each other. If all you want to do is get physical with someone, it is nothing more than just lust.

Physical attraction will never last a lifetime, but emotional attraction does. And when emotional attraction between you and your partner keeps going on and on, so will your physical attraction. So what we are trying to derive here is that when you and your partner are bonded by your love and feelings, both of you will enjoy the physical attraction for a long time as well.

It is a win-win situation for you in that case. However, if the relationship is established solely on the basis of physical attraction, it would be difficult for both to establish the emotional connection, thus having to bear the risk of losing the relationship sooner than you think. In this case, it is not a win-win situation. Both will lose out in the end.

So for you who are searching for that soul mate or have given a thought about submitting your heart and soul to someone you have met, ask yourself why you want to be in a relationship with the person. Is it because you have affirmed of your feelings and that you want to live your life forever with him or her? Or are you just merely attracted to his or her physique?

Because remember, relationships will work well when the physical effects comes together with the emotional effects. It is the emotional bond that can bring everlasting happiness to two couple till eternity, or make them crumble when they lose each other.


Rolando said...

I like what you said about emotional attraction. That is the bind that will keep you together for a long time.

At least I hope :)

NafaSg said...

Hey Rolando,

Thank u! U should know this better since u already have found your life partner. Emotional attraction is everything, and physical attraction is nothing without the emotions. Like u said, that is something that would keep u together for a very long time. =)

Thanks for reading this. =)

mr fong said...

NAFA, I agree with u.One has to come b4 the other, but if physique requirements come first, the other might not follow! Might as well get the guarantee by starting w emotional needs.

Thanks for this pOst :-)

Trix said...

An excellent article which I added to my 'delicious'...why?? cos it is!! A really interesting and thought provoking essay on relationships ...Love IT !! Its very true that love and lust are often mistaken, which seems to be a worldwide and very common error,and many people get hurt when they think its a love affair,but its a lust affair,which often breaks apart a bit later down the line .. :)


Anonymous said...

The emotional aspect of a relationship is important but in a long term relationship if the physical aspect is not kept alive, the emotional aspect will not continue to flourish. The connection will diminish and people will disconnect from their partner romantically (seeing them as more of a friend or roommate than a love).

NafaSg said...

Hello Winston...

Glad u agree with our views here. But of course, the bottom line is that it works both ways. Emotional attraction comes first for sure, and it should also come together with physical attraction. Combine the both together and what do u get? An everlasting love that continues to bloom even after u have reached your golden years.

Hey Jesse...

Wow u added our article in your 'delicious' section? That's so sweet of u! Thank u so much! Will go check it out.

That is one big issue about love that we ought to be aware of. Being unable to differentiate love and lust can actually destroy a relationship just like that. What we need to know is that lust is merely about getting physical, but love is everything. =)

NafaSg said...

Hello AntiBarbie...

Thanks a lot for your opinions on this topic. It is true what u have said that physical attraction should be kept alive. Ultimately we need the best of both. Just that what we are trying to address here is that for a start, emotions come first. What is physical attraction without the emotions right? And when both are combined together, not only will the love flourish, but also, both partners will see each other as bestfriends and lovers, which is even better.

Thanks AntiBarbie! =)

anits said...

** falling in love does not begin with a physical touch. The root of love and a beautiful relationship lies in the feelings that develop inside the moment you set eyes on each other

NafaSg said...

Hello Anits...

Thanks for reading this article. Glad u acknowledge our viewpoints about this issue. Yes it is true, love comes from within. It's the inside that counts the most. =)

Bobby Revell said...

Great post Nafa! I seem to always get into situations driven by powerful physical attraction. I have been in so many relationships I cannot remember them all...LOL!

I want something that will last forever. My whole outlook has changed. I want to be great friends with a woman who I have a relationship with.

I often fall into the "friend zone" and the girl will marry an unromantic, uncaring goon. I want LOVE!!!

NafaSg said...

Thanks Bobby! We had our experiences too. U are not alone. =D

It is human for us to always be driven by physical attraction, but ultimately, we will feel like something is missing. So perhaps what we can advise u here, our dear friend, is that if u were to meet someone and u feel like u are not only driven by physical attraction, but also, driven by the need to share your love and happiness with her, it means that u have found the right person. =)

So just look forward to that day ok? We are waiting for that day to come for u. =)

Trix said...

Huge cograts on winning the second Mariuca mug! You guys Rock...and wow,what an awesome pleasure, hey? I want to wish you all well over the weekend....have fun, whatever you do!


Mizohican said...

Congrats on winning the Mariuca Cup and I wish you the warmest, tastiest, and deepest "Eid Mubarak" all the way from India.

- Sandman :)

NafaSg said...

Hey Jesse!

Thank u so much. We really were surprised to be the winner. Oh but u won the first mug remember? So we are all winners of Mariuca mugs! Yay!!!

U take care too and have a great weekend. Have fun Jesse! Love ya!! =)

Hi Sandman...

Thanks for your wishes all the way from India. Eid Mubarak to u too! =)

WaterLearner said...

Hi Nafa!

I feel that both physical and emotional aspects play very important role in sustaining a relationship. When either aspect is lacking, chances of falling apart is high.

My humble view.

Happy Holidays Nafa!

NafaSg said...

Hi Karen!

Well guess that it is always best to have both aspects being kept alive in a relationship. Thanks for your views.

Happy holidays to u too Karen! =)

ice9web said...

very well said post here

in my own experience lang po, emotional attraction seem to last than physical

we need more deeper meaning than the shallow ones.


NafaSg said...

Hello Aice...

Glad u like this article. Yes it is very true what u just said. The fact is that emotions are the key to getting physical, and being physical without emotions does not mean anything.

Thanks for your comments Aice! =)