Yet, there are some who show no empathy and sensitivity towards these beautiful souls. Worse still, they would dunk themselves into physical violence and cruelty towards the children without even thinking twice. Such acts can deem someone to be worse than an animal, because even an animal has compassion and love for its young.
What is going on with this world? Why must such horrid acts be carried out? Why do these people ever exist in this world?

This was the result of an outrage of modesty (See Picture On The Right) caused by a man of age between 35 and 40, who was thought to be someone who enjoyed torturing people, particularly children. Along with him was a 23-year-old lady, who was apparently his partner in crime. The lady had been found and called for questioning by the Malaysian authorities, whereas the man has yet to be found. Hence, we are urging all of you here to play your part in finding this serial killer cum sexual offender and ensuring that justice is served to the deceased and her family.
Over the years, we have heard of children’s lives being taken away due to the evil doings of heartless adults. Nurin’s death was one of the most gruesome and tragic deaths that made many of us shocked, despaired and furious. Do you want more children to die in the hands of these sadistic people? Do you still wish to hear such saddening news of child abuse?

Copy and paste the above code to your post.
Once you have added the article and badge in your post, please inform us by leaving a comment on this article and we will include you in the list. You may also wish to place the badge on your sidebar. PLEASE HELP TO SPREAD THE MESSAGE.
Thank you.
I, Rolando, support the Movement.This is my supported article.
I, Janice, support the Movement.This is my supported article..
I, Karen, support the Movement. This is my supported article.
I, Flsam, support the Movement. This is my supported article
I, Little Chumsy, support the Movement.
I, Amel support the Movement.This is my supported article.
I, Desperate Mummy, support the Movement.
I, Winston support the Movement.This is my supported article.
I, Xiaoyenzi support the Movement.This is my supported article.
I, Jean Chia support the Movement.This is my supported article.
I, Kee Yit support the Movement.This is my supported article.
I, Aryst support the Movement.This is my supported article.
I, Bobby support the Movement.This is my supported article.
I, Lilifxt support the Movement.This is my supported article.
I, Thira support the Movement.This is my supported article.
I, Lee Chien support the Movement.This is my supported article.
I, JaMiLLa support the Movement. This is my supported article.
I, Mariuca support the Movement. This is my supported article.
I, Jesse support the Movement. This is my supported article.
I, Mhrmz support the Movement. This is my supported article.
I, Mhrmz support the Movement. This is my supported article.
I, Robert support the Movement. This is my supported article.
I, Kero support the Movement. This is my supported article.
I, Lady Java support the Movement. This is my supported article.
I, Rayne Lim support the Movement. This is my supported article.
I, Sweet Pea support the Movement. This is my supported article.
I, Colin support the Movement. This is my supported article.
I, Buffy support the Movement. This is my supported article.
I, W_W_H support the Movement. This is my supported article.
I, Chessnoid support the Movement. This is my supported article.
I, YOUR NAME (MAIN URL) support the movement. This is my supported article (YOUR ARCHIVE LINK).
Watch The News On Nurin Jazlin Laid to Rest - 21 Sep 07

You are always in our thoughts and prayers...
~May Nurin’s soul rest in peace always,
God willing.~
This Article Is Also Written In Conjunction With Bloggers Against Abuse Movement

This is a very sad story NAFA. It just makes me sick to no end. Such terrible people. They will get their day in court.
Such a beautiful girl too. Our prayers go out to the family. We hope those people get caught soon so that other children will be safe.
I'll post the article shortly NAFA. Thanks for the awareness.
I was so moved by this story. Like Rolando said, such a beautiful girl. Our prayer is that the catch these terrible people soon so that none others will suffer.
Thank you for sharing this and helping spread the word.
NAFA!!!! I have been haunted by this tragedy ever since Nurin went missing!! I was so sad and upset, and simply enraged that this had to happen to this really pretty girl! I can't bear to see her pictures, they always bring a tear to my eye!
I will definitely have this post up on my blog, minus some pics that I just can't bear to see! Thanks for doing this NAFA.
My deepest condolonces to Nurin's family. Everyone is sharing your sorrow.
Genie Princess
Hey Rolando, Jon and Marzie...
I am tearing right now as i am responding to all of u here. What kind of a man is he to torture her like that? He will pay for his evil doings, that is for sure.
To all of u, thank u so much for coming here to pay her your respects and for your condolences to her family. Thanks too for wanting to help put up this article. It would mean a lot to us, and especially to her family.
Thanks again guys. U are the best.
Such cruelty to a little gal being tortured to death. I will get this up. Thanks for initiating this movement :)
Janice Ng
I will post this up, so sweet of you and thanks for telling me :) Thank u.
Nafa, I'm posted it http://janiceng.blogspot.com/2007/10/fight-against-child-abuse.html
Janice Ng
Hi. Thanks for doing this for Nurin and her family.I have posted the badge in my blog :D
NAFA, I am tremendously disturbed by her tragedy. She's such an adorable little girl. And can't understand why those ppls did this to her. I've been wanted to do a post on Nurin.
I am so happy you did this. You guys are great! I will definitely post this up!
My deepest condolences to her family.
Hi Nafa!
A very upsetting aspect of reality to come to know. I will put up in my blog to support your rally.
Hi Nafa!!
I have posted in my blog. How to extend a little helping hand here. These days, we see so much horrible news everyday that our hearts are sometimes numbed when we hear of such happenings. But what if? What if the victim is a closed one of ours? How would we feel? Let this be a reminder to revive our conscience. To feel the pain and loss of others as if it were our own.
I, WaterLearner, support the Movement.
This is my supported article:
Hi Nafa, I support 100% this campaign and have posted in my new wordpress blog. http://flsam.com/?p=757
Such cruel act is totally against mankind. We want the killer/s to be caught asap but the Malaysian Police are a bit slow even with video evidence. Many cases, the killers are still being caught. We hope this one will not be the same. :)
Mind I share my point of view regarding this sort of matter together with another impact of ur reader's feeling after reading this?
Pls apologise me if my opinion and thought does give u any hard feeling.
While reading this un-calm tragedy, I felt so uneasy and does really affect my mood into a moment of feeling unsecure to my kind soul. I'm feeling of how sad this could happen to a purity child as all of you felt for.
Having an awareness in the help of searching the man is great and right action to be taken.
But there is another impact to ur readers that this world gives unsecure to them and basically will reduce their feeling of happiness towards this world. Its like giving negative energy to ur reader. But of course ur intention is to give high awareness in this matter to get the man. This kind effort is really touched and appreciated by people.
Readers like me, really cant accept this kind of tragedy. So I will feel unhappy for the whole day if I did not choose to think positively. Thats why I'm searching for ur music player to let go the un-easy feeling and let me feel better.
This is very important issue to voice out. After attending my personal training, I get to learn that the more we are feeling injustice and blameful on this tragedy NOW, we will generate more tragedy like this in the FUTURE because we are attracting this to happen in our life. What we are thinking and feeling NOW will affect our FUTURE.
It's just like "Ur wish is my command" by Genie. Ok u r feeling injustice and angry bout this, I will give u this in return. If u choose to accept it in positive way, telling urself it's normal that this happen in our life. It wont affect our mindset in gaining more happiness in our life. This will really make u feel better. Then the Genie will give u the happiness moment in the future.
RIGHT NOW, its not the time to think WHY this is happening in this world but to think HOW we can move on to our life with a positive thought. Although it really give u the reason of WHY, it might really drive u crazy or ridicilous and at the same time, you will still feel unhappy.
It's really normal for us to feel sad and angry bcos we are human. We dont wish to see this happen. So we can take some moment to feel the sadness and next moment, make another decision that will bring u happiness or smile. At least ur kind soul does not affect by this tragedy or a thought of human and world.
So it's important to know what feeling ur reader will feel after reading this sort of article. We dont wish to make our reader feel unsecure to this world, right?
Our aim is to bring love, caring, happiness, joy and laughter to each and every of our reader.
Giving awareness to the readers is definitely right but it's better to accept this fact and choose to gain more happiness right now. This will lead the reader into a positive way in order to achieve our aim.
We feel happy not bcos of this tragedy happen. But it's to strengthen our kind soul and give alot of happiness to people that we are still a loving person although some are not.
So I give a smile to Nurin Jazlin that she will get a happy life in her future life. The purpose of pray is to give love and happiness to this lovely angel not to bring sadness to her. Let go ur angryness and live happily in ur life.
NAFA, apologise me that I cant paste the full article because it will affect my feeling (unhappy) esp the sad photo whenever I visit my blog. I will still support the movement for sure. I will paste her lovely and cute photo in my blog to feel that she does give a lot of happiness to her parent and relatives and people with her purity soul since she borns. Leave a good image of her to this world.
Everyone, please apologise me if my saying affect ur feeling.
There is no right and wrong in this matter. I believe all of u are kind person by showing sympathy. We have to choose the right way to handle this matter for ur spiritual.
NAFA, I'm glad you passed to us this, but can I do it Tmr as my exams end then?Hope it's OK...
Visit eatyourmaths!
@ Janice - Thank you so much for joining in. You are a mother yourself. I am very sure that you can feel the agony and torment that the parents had to went through. =(
@ Mommy to Chumsy - Thank you for joining in. Our main intent is to get those child rapist to face justice in the court of law as soon as possible.
@Jean - It is really upsetting, believe it or not, everytime i leave a comment i am tearing right now. Those smile and cute face of our little sister the late Nurin Jazlin haunts me day by day. Thank you jean for posting it up.
@Karen - Thank you for joining in, I am glad and very happy that you join in our search and our stand to stop child abuse..Thank you.
@Flsam - Thank you so much for supporting the campaign. Let's all pray that the authorities will get to the bottom of this as soon as possible. God speed~
Pls FORGIVE me not apologise me. Sorry for the error. Hehe!
After putting my comments here, Karen quickly left a message asking did I feel better in my cbox and make me shocked and touching.
YES I feel better now. I try to listen nice music and talking to my sister.
Sorry NAFA, Im not on the side of right or wrong. Just how I feel on the effect of this sort of tragedy. Hope you understand.
After reading other bloggermates comment, I feel this is how the tragedy affect our mood. Many of us will trap into the feeling of injustice. So I think it's better to adjust our feeling.
I also have a thought that eventhough the man has been brought to court and send to death. This cant change the fact anymore no matter how angry we are. The lovely angel smile will not be back in real but to keep in our heart forever. We cant change anyone and any fact but to change our perception and thought.
Accept it and let go the angryness and choose to be happy. This is what I had been learning in the time if Im aware of it. I'm still practising this new knowledge.
I hope you guys understand what I want. Stay on happy! :)
Haiya *admendment* again!
I hope you guys understand what I MEAN. (not want)
@ Jamilla - We truly apologise that you cant accept this reality which created a negative effect on you.
We have stopped and temporarily remove the music played in our blog to pay our respects to our dearest beloved late Nurin Jazlin.
I understand how you feel. Life is not always like cookies and cream, jamy.
BUT this is reality. FACTS that ALL have to accept which is happening to our world.
Besides, blogging is not about having fun, mocha, tags, genies, and all which are absolutely FICTIONS and for the sake of pleasure and enjoyment.
A child who is brutally abuse, murdered, raped at the aged of 8 is A REALITY!
We, at NAFA make good use of our blog to help people and at the same time we can indulge in laughters, enjoyment with other bloggers.
We do NOT wish such cruel things to happen in our world again.
In addition to that the criminals are STILL at large and the authorities are searching high and low for the culprits.
We would like to make our stand and our voices heard through this post of ours.
Jamilla, we are not making our readers unsecure, if they do, my team and i would like to apologise.
We did this out of LOVE, COMPASSION and PRAYERS, INCREASING AWARENESS / EDUCATE ALL PARENTS OR PARENTS WANT TO BE, to take this post of ours as a good lesson and STAY VIGILANT AT ALL TIMES, when taking care of their children.
Criminals lurk everywhere in our neighbourhood!
We never know when is the last time we can ever say to our closest, dearest and loved ones the famous three letter word "I Love You"
MOST IMPORTANTLY, WE at NAFASG, are praying and putting our hands together hoping that those culprits are quickly sentenced and justice to descend upon them as soon as possible.
People are emotional. When such cruel things like this happen in our world, they tend not to to accept it and carry on with their lives.
We know that people always wanted to see the brighter side of things, move on and be happy..which we think is an act of selfishness..
They will exactly feel how those who are involved would feel in such tragedy till the eventful day befall on them.
Nevertheless, jamy, we respect your feelings. We are glad that you will be joining us in the campaign. Do what you must and think deems fit for you. Thank you.
@Fong - Thank you for dropping by....take your time..once the post is up, please do inform us..Thank you.
@Jamy - Thank you once again for your comments.
We do understand and respect your feelings.
Yes, even though the culprits will be caught one day, it wont change the fact that it will bring Nurin Jazlin back.
I would like to pose you a question, what would you do if that happens to your child or your sister whom you just confide with?
Another question, will you be able to apply the happiness concept or theory which you have learnt?
Try to apply it when you knew that the murderers of your loved ones are still at large.
There are 1001 theories on happiness. Study it and understand it. Make sure you apply it correctly.
Hi NAFA, agree with you.
Will tell you when I do it tmr.. :(
@ Fong - Thank you for sharing your opinion. Thanks. Will be looking forward to see your post.
I'm in, this is my link:
Support the Movement
This is such a SAD story. :-((((
Thank you Amel,
Let us pray together that the murderers will get caught as soon as possible..and justice be done to them.
Thank you, for joining in our cause Amel..
God Bless~
Hi, I have already paste the badge in my blog. Thanks for doing this I can stop my tears when I watch the mv.
I'll put up a post on this later today. I saw the group on blogcatalog a few weeks ago about fighting abuse.
While I commend the effort, awareness doesn't solve problems like this. There isn't a person alive that wouldn't agree that child abuse is wrong (even someone who abuses children).
In some US states, if a parent so much as lightly swats a child on the rear or yells at them, they go to jail. They aren't fighting abuse with these laws, they are ruining the wrong people's lives.
People often don't report child abuse in fear that a crazed criminal could hurt them or their family if that criminal finds out who reported them. It's public record here in the US.
What's much more important than awareness is making people realize how important it is to report it if they see it happening. That takes money. Having said that, most people will turn a blind eye.
I'm in, at http://eatyourmaths.blogspot.com/2007/10/this-one-might-not-get-many-pings-but.html
Managed to do it earlier b4 exams :) Take care, NAFA!
This is tragic. Supported here.
Hello Nafa, hearing news like this just breaks my heart. I will be posting this in my blog too.
Mines up.
yes, NAFA. i believed she has leave a great impact in our life.
Hi Bobby...
Thank u so much for giving your support to our movement. We understand what you're trying to get to here. We agree that cases like this ought to be reported and settled once and for all. If u look again at our post, we did not only promote awareness abt child abuse, but also, we had tried to make a little effort in helping out in the search for the culprits, by asking people to keep us informed or even directly liaise with the victim's uncle via his blog. It may seem a small thing, but we do hope that it can be of great help for the authorities who are still searching for the suspects.
Anyway thanks a lot for helping us spread the word. It would mean a lot to us, and would mean so much more to the family of the deceased.
Hi desperate mummy...
Thanks a lot for your support in this. We know how u feel. It saddened us too when we saw how beautiful she was and how cruel those suspects were . =(
Hey Mr Fong, Thira, Apple and Jean...
Thanks a lot guys! U are all such wonderful people to help us in the search for the culprits. Will come over and check out your posts. Let us all come together and send these culprits to prison where they should be.
I think what you are doing is a great thing. I was referring to blog catalog! My post is up! I did notice a lot of depreciated HTML in your post and I cleaned most of it up.
a target=""> is considered to be depreciated HTML. If an element is listed without an attribute, the element is considered obsolete or deprecated.
I hope the people who did this pay for what they did. They will, even after they die! Thanks Nafa!!!!!
Nafa, I have only one thing to add here. The people who did this are of the lowest forms of bacteria and should be made to suffer the same thing the poor girl went through!!!
hello NAFA its good work u are doing here...that bad accident really heart breaking i cried when i saw her photos and read what happened her parents are absolutely right he is an animal but even if a kid got attacked by an animal he wont get tortured the same way it will be less than what this predator did
i pray her happiness in heaven and pray her parents overcome this big trajedy im a parent and if someone attacks my kids ...OMG i dunno i guess ill hurt him so bad kids are so innocent to be hurt like that they are angels but what can i say devils are jealous of angels coz they are pure and better
i did post about that sad article to open parents eyes for whats happening lately in this world and i ask all parents to be overprotective with their kids boys or girls more in open areas and teach them not to talk to strangers and thire kids must be remainig under parents observation all the time
Hello Nafa, i already posted mine. This is truly sad. This kind of evil is just unforgivable.I couldn't bear to imagine the horror this child went through.I pray the people responsible for this will be caught and punished.
Hi Bobby...
Thanks a lot for putting up the post. Will check it out soon! And thanks for acknowledging our efforts to get this criminals behinds bars as soon as possible.
With regards to the depreciated HTML, we had checked through and did not find any depreciated HTML present in our post. The element 'a target' did come together with the attribute "_blank", which opens the new document in a new window. We tried it out using both IE and Firefox and so far everything was fine. So perhaps u may want to check again on your side. But thanks a lot for a very interesting insight on depreciated HTML. Something new that we have learnt from u today. =)
Take care.
Hi Nick...
Thanks for taking your time to read and express your feelings towards this horrifying tragedy. U are right! These people are monsters and they will get what they deserve.
Hi Lili,
Thanks for putting up the post. Will check it out soon! And thanks for showing your utmost compassion towards little Nurin and her family who has to overcome this huge obstacle right now. We know that u can feel what they feel as u are a parent yourself and u would not wish for such things to happen to your child. We also acknowledge your kindness in wanting to spread the word to all parents out there to take good care of their children. Hope that your kindness will be paid off soon.
Hi Thira...
Thanks for putting up the post. Will check it out soon! We know how u feel. This is so painful for us to grasp too. But the child is in a better place now. And those predators will pay for what they have done.
NAFASG...I am so sorry,my isp has been awful for several days, still is! I stand with you in your fight to make a difference as far as child abuse goes...its one of the most vile acts on Gods green earth! When I read your article a day ago,all I could do was cry...and the tears just continue to come and go!To think of the misery these animals put a little innocent child thru, may they rot in hell!
I hope to have my post up by this evening,my time.....will let you know.
All strenght to you guys...you are making an effort, which is more than most people are willing to do!
For that, I am honoured to be one of your buddies in the Sphere :)
Hello Jesse!
We missed u commenting on our articles. Now u are back! =)
Jesse we know how u feel. We were saddened as we wrote this article, and we still are. The little girl is such an angel, and these devils just had to cause harm to her. They will face their days behind bars where they deserve to be.
Anyway thanks our dear friend for acknowledging our efforts to find the culprits. We too feel honored to be your friend in the sphere coz u always rock our world! Take your time in posting the article ok?
Take care and welcome back. =)
NAFA!!! I'm done with my Nurin post. :(
Thanks sweeties for your kind words...just completed the article,but had some difficulty with adding the pics...I am a newbie after all! Hope its ok ?
See you later :))
Hey Genie Princess...
Yup have checked out your post and commented on it. Thank u so much for putting it up.
Hey Jesse...
Thank u too for putting up the post. Don't worry about the pics. What is important is that the message is being put across.
Love and hugs to both our darlings. =)
Hi Nafasg Team,
I already post up the nurin article at http://teachme-buzz.blogspot.com/
I support your movement.
Thank you for giving ur opinion and suggestion. I have learned alot from your team. I know its part of my learning process which I need to experience. From the day I create my blog, I knew that theres something waiting for me to learn and grow.
It might be sound like cruel and selfish of what I had been saying. But honestly, I am not. I understand myself. I have been re-thinking again and again of what I said and Ur team mentioned.
I will have the same reaction with you feeling full of angry and injustice and how can they really treat a lovely girl like this. Don't they remember how adorable they are when they are at the same age with her? How dare they really did that with their own hand? How would they feel if they had been treated like this in return? Are their heart eaten up by dog?
So many question to ask ...but who can actually give the answer. No one...
I might not be able to stand on the victim side and actually feel how its so worst about it and her family feeling. I understand that I wont be able to feel it fully.
But I believe Nurin had been brought to heaven where the place is so peaceful and wonderful. There will be no hate and angry.
If shes in the heaven and looking at her family and relatives and probably us, feeling sad and angry about this, she will feel sad too cos shes our angel. Angel don't wish to see her lovely family and relatives and people who really love and care her so much in the sadness.
I hope we will open our heart and accept this fact peacefully. The man still have to be caught and get what he deserves for it.
Let God do the best decision for us. Everything happens for a reason. But it's hard to know it fully.
Everyone of us need time to comfort our feeling toward this incident esp. her family and relatives. Nevermind. One step at a time. Don't worry. Everything will work into a right place itself.
Hi Mhrmz..
Thanks a lot for your support. Will check out your post soon! =)
Hi Jamilla...
Thanks for acknowledging what we had to say the other time. We never thought that what u said was wrong or anything ok? Don't worry. After all, blogging is about expressing opinions. So it is alright to learn from each other. U had learnt from us, and we knew we had learnt some things from u too. =)
Yes Nurin's family are surely depressed right now, and true that Nurin is now watching them from above seeing them sad and missing her so much. But that's the hard truth. Everyone has to go someday. She is now in a better place and all we can do now is to always have her in our thoughts and prayers, and as for the family, they need to heal their sadness slowly. Give them time, they will move on.
But the one thing we can really do now is to help in the search for these monsters who were responsible for her demise. They will be sent to prison where they deserve to be.
You are right. As a father I was really moved reading this story. Hope those sick people responsble are brought to justice.
Hi Adam...
We know how u feel coz u are already a parent. We who have yet to enter parenthood could feel the sorrow and pain that the parents of Nurin have to endure right now.
May this culprits be sentenced as soon as possible. They should be sent to jail for good!
I added your article to my blog at www.grumpysstuff.blogspot.com..I got it through Jessie the cat..I hope it helps...
Hi Nascar and the canadian curmudgeon...
Thanks a lot for helping us out in spreading the word. Will check out your post soon ok? =)
i am so moved by the story. I am going to be a Mom soon come December and i absolutely cannot imagine such cruelty to God's little children. I have posted the article on my blog to help spread your cause and your message. more power NAFASG!
Hi Kero,
Welcome aboard. Thank you for your support.
This is one of the saddest story. Thats the reason why we placed efforts into writing this post and spreading the message.
Let us fight hand in hand against this child abuse.
Anyway congratulations on you becoming a mother.... =)
This is such a worthy cause. I am, of course, IN.
This is my link
Thank you and God Bless
Hi Lady Java,
Welcome aboard. Thank you for joining us to fight child abuse.
I have added your link.
Thank you.
i hope child abuses will be gone one of this days, I feel sorry for kids who suffered on this kind of violence. Have Great Day !
1st of all, i would like to say sorry to Nurin and her family.
Rest in peach lil Nurin and i wish the devils that suffered you will die 1000000000 times sufferer than you!!!!
2ndly, here is my strongly support to the NAFASG Team!!!!! Special credit to you guys!!!!!
below is my link: http://raynrayne.blogspot.com/2007/10/fight-against-child-abuse-tribute-to.html
god bless......
Hi Gwapasila...
Thanks for reading this article and espressing your thoughts about what we have written here. Yes it feels painful inside when a child is being abused so brutally. Whoever who doesnt feel it is nothing but a horrible monster, just like the culprits above. They will pay for what they have done.
Anyway u have a great day too! =)
Hi Rayne,
Thanks for expressing your condolences to the family of the late Nurin Jazlin. This beautiful girl is in a better place right now, and as for those evil culprits, they will face the sentence that they deserve. They will pay for their evil doings!
We also want to thank u for supporting our movement in finding the culprits. Will check out the post soon ok? Thanks a lot! =)
hi NAFA, i'v done my bit to help. what goes around comes around. the sick person will face justice one fine day. sick sick sick!
Hi Sweetpea...
We know how furious u are with these sick people. We are absolutely upset with them. They will be sentenced to jail where they deserve to be.
Anyway thanks for helping us out in the search for these culprits. Will check out your post soon ok? =)
Hey, NAFA...now I've done it correctly. THANKS for the reminder!
Hi again, NAFA.
It's MY pleasure to help support this. I understand the seriousness of this, so no worries.
I treasure our friendship, too. THANKS for letting me know about this.
Hi Amel...
Thanks for removing the pictures, and thanks for giving your fullest support in this movement. Glad that u know how serious this issue is and that u are willing to help in the search for the two culprits.
We really appreciate it. Let us all pray that justice will be served to the family of the late Nurin Jazlin.
I too have linked to this site in hope that I can get your message out to as many people as possible!
My deepest sympathy to Nurin Jazlins's heart broken parents.
NAFA, today I visit your blog and saw the attention on Nurin post.
I had been touched by your saying that We believe that we need to respect to Nurin and esp. her parents.
YES its true. We can spread the news for increasing the awarness to people. That's a MUST because we don't wanna hide the fact. That's mean people wont know theres such thing happen around.
But on the way of spreading the message, we tend to forget another important thing. How would the people, the world look at Nurin and esp. her parents? Whenever people mention about Nurin, what's their first reaction? For sure they will express ...so sad ah so little child having this tragedy. This means Nurin is leaving a pity image to people in the bottom of their heart. This image is what I call as negative energy.
All the way long, if we did not notice this, we are keeping on producing this negative energy to the world. Angry, Pity, Blameful and others.
We are focusing on the bad things. Why not, we shift it into the thing that we want which is good thing like happiness and prosperity.
We are not pretending to ignore the tragedy in the world but to shift it into a positive thought. We leave a good image of Nurin to the world and hope she will get a HAPPY life in the future. That's alot better than focusing on the angry and blameful.
We can raise this awareness but in the end its better to conclude it in a positive thought.
I'm listing to ur music player right now. So I dedicate the song HERO by Mariah Carey to Nurin in theh heaven. Visualise that shes smiling on us back that we all love and care her so much.
NAFA, I hope we can bring joy and happiness to the world in blogosphere putting our hand together. I hope you understand what I mean.
Lastly there's no right and wrong at all. I'm happy that your team are serving the humanity with love and care and joy.
Good Job, NAFA TEAM!!!
Top Recommended song: Nothing Gonna Stop Us Right Now in giving happiness to the world (Crying for being so touched while listening this deep inside my heart)
My sympathy goes to the family of little Nurin. Words do not fully express the loathing for those responsible. It really is very disturbing to read about such events.
I have also added this post to my blog.
Great work guys, and thank you for posting this.
Hello Jamilla...
Thanks for noticing the message that we had put up there. Yes it's true that we thought of putting it up to make everyone very much aware of how she was brutally tortured and abused. But after pondering on how the parents would feel towards the putting up of the picture, we decided that we should take it off and ask everyone who helped out in this to take it off as well.
U got the point. We would want to imagine Nurin as that happy bubbly girl she was when she was still alive, even after her passing. After all, we know that she is now so much happier up there. So we should picture her more as a cheerful girl rather than that bruised and terrified girl that she was after being abused.
Still, at the end of the day, we want to put the message across to all about how monstrous humans can be towards children and that this should be put to a stop at once.
Anyway thanks for everything Jamilla. U have been a great help! And we are so happy that u always enjoy our songs here, especially those inspirational songs like Hero that can make us look on the bright side of things no matter how hard things can be. We are grateful to u for all of this. =)
Hello Buffy and Colin...
Thanks for your support in this, and for expressing your condolences towards the family of the deceased. Will check out your posts soon ok?
Yes, let us all work together and fight against child abuse, and let us bring these sick culprits to prison where they belong.
i personnally support this blog 100 percent!!! a very good blog indeed!!!
i've linked up this blog too and post up a post too, and the badge also i've it on my side bar.
a very good job NAFASG TEAM!!!
Hi w_w_h,
Thank you for your kind support. I have already linked you in the post too..
Do keep in touch.
Have a great week ahead.
Just so you know I added this to my blog. I support your cause.
Hi Chessnoid...
Thanks for adding us. We will add u soon. And thanks for supporting this cause. Will come over to your blog and check out your post, and will add your link to this post as well.
Have a good day! =)
When does this madness end? Every child deserves the right to live without fear or pain. Our prayers are with the family.
Hi Jo and JD...
Thanks for your prayers for the family. They would definitely appreciate it. U are right! A child has nothing but innocence and purity in them and they deserve to be happy in life. Those monsters are the ones who deserve to suffer after what they have done.
Thank u so much for your support.
As a survivor of childhod sexual abuse I experience many different feelings in these matters. I am 50 and suffer greatly from severe PTSD. This breaks my heart.
These people are monsters and everything possible should be done to catch this person and also shed light on child abuse.
I apologize for being so late in finding this. However, I have just gotten my post up. My readers will just have to suffer through a lttle negative feelings if it helps stop monsters like this.
Thank you guys,
Hi Jackie...
Oh dear...u were sexually abused as a child too? We are so sorry to hear that. We just hate to hear of stories of children being harrassed and tortured, and one thing for sure, we cannot help but feel terrible about what u had experienced as a child. But please be strong ok? U have support from all your loved ones, u have a beautiful family of your own now, and u have all of us here who will love u and support u all the way.
These fellas are just sick and they ought to be punished for the pain they have caused the little girl, which was why we wanted to take one step forward and help find these monsters. And we appreciate u wanting to put up a post to assist us in this movement. Don't feel bad about being late. What matters is that u have the heart to help, and we are more than happy with that. Will check out your post soon.
And yes, it is true that it will inflict some negativity in people's hearts and minds, but somehow this has to be put to a stop. Glad that u understand. Thanks a lot Jackie. =)
What an horrible story, those monsters will not go unpurnished.
I have done my post here is my link
Hello Ejiro...
Thanks for putting up a post on this. Will check it out soon! Yes, we are praying hard that those beasts will be caught and sent to prison where they belong.
This story is so pathetic. May God protect our children from such demoniacs. I got the article from mumsdadschildren.blogspot.com I've pasted a copy on my blog. I strongly support this course.
I supported this course. Read it here: http://www.roslihanip.com/local-news/nurin
Hello Bro. Tee and Roslimh,
Thank u guys so much for your support in this movement. May the children always be kept safe and secured from harm, and may these culprits be sentenced to prison where they belong as soon as possible. Will check out your posts soon! =)
Bos, saya sudah masukkan link "Bloggers against child abuse" ke blog saya:
http://bhayu.wordpress.com. Tapi maaf tidak bisa taruh artikel karena tidak berhubungan dengan content blog yang tentang komunikasi. Mungkin harus dicari kaitannya dulu... Terima kasih.
Terima kasih Bhayu atas sokongan kamu. =)
What a tragedy! I actually just recently did a post about preventing child sexual abuse at http://angelofdelusion.blogspot.com/2007/11/preventing-sexual-abuse-of-children.html. It is frightening how common abuse is in this world.
I have also added on my blog the graphic and link to you blog. My sincere hope is that together we can raise the awareness and prevent future abuse.
Hello Angela...
First and foremost, thank u so much for your support and understanding towards the importance of raising awareness about the issue of child abuse and preventing it from happening in future. We share the same sentiments as u in this. We are absolutely horrified. And imagine how horrified our children would be if this problem persists.
Thanks too for the link to our post here and for putting up the graphics to your site. Will check out your post on child sexual abuse soon. Hope that we all can do our part to put this to a stop once and for all. =)
I was really horrified when I came across this.One really wonder what is going on in the minds of these wicked people when they carry out these acts of wickedness against such innocent children.I had posted your article on my blog to lend suppot to this movement.Below is the link of the post:
Hello Kingsley...
Thank u so much for your support towards this movement. Glad that u share the same sentiments as us here. We know what u meant. We too do not understand what these people were thinking of when they carried out such outrageous acts. We hope that the authorities will get them sentenced as soon as possible!
We will check out your post at your site. Thanks a lot for your help in this! We really appreciate it. =)
I have added this badge to the sidebar on my blog... This is just terrible
Hello Jessica...
Thanks for adding the badge to your blog. We really appreciate your support towards this movement and we hope that this movement can put child abuse to a stop as soon as possible.
I love your post ^ ^
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