Essential Tips To Preserve Your Youthful Looks

Wouldn’t it be a pleasant surprise to you when someone tells you that you look younger than your age? That pleasant surprise can come to you as long as you know what it takes to look young and vivacious even during your golden years. How your youth can be preserved is not determined by the facial cream and lotion that you have been using. It actually all starts from within you.

Let us share with you some useful tips on how you can maintain that youthful and glowing look throughout your entire life.

1. Always keep yourself in high spirits. Do not ponder too much on your aging self. Just stay jovial and release yourself from all the unnecessary stress by enjoying the simple pleasures in life.

2. Carry out exercises. You need not do vigorous ones. Some light exercises would help too. What is important is that you can exercise regularly to stay in good shape and good health, and when you are healthy, the youthfulness in you will show up.

3. Practise eating a balanced diet. You should make it a habit to eat more fruits and vegetables because these are the food that can sustain the health and youth in you inside out.

4. Avoid smoking, drug addiction, alcoholism and consumption of junk food that can cause damage to your inner health. When these ‘body pollutants’ harm your inner self, you could end up looking older and more haggard than expected.

5. Get active and hyped up in doing something that can be your pastime, like drawing, playing music, cooking and so on. These are healthy activities that can keep you fit and buoyant at all times, which could unleash your youth even more.

6. Make others happy, because when you see others around you happy, you will be smiling together with them. Smiling is apparently the golden key to maintaining your youthful looks and attitude. So always find ways to make the people around you smile with you.

7. Laughter is the best medicine, and is unquestionably the best solution to maintaining your youthfulness. Crack jokes or watch funny comedies that would keep you laughing all day long, rather than wallowing in your sorrows.

Watch this video to find out more about how you can stay healthy and youthful. The video depicted an interview with two professional doctors who had authored a book pertaining to the topic.

Dread about your old age no more. You can still look young and energetic no matter how old you are. All it takes is the voice within to tell you that you will always be young at heart.

Take note of the following tips and stay young and kicking!

YOU: The Owner's Manual: An Insider's Guide to the Body that Will Make You Healthier and Younger


Anonymous said...

Nice article its very informative

i have tagged you on my blog about the Desktop meme ^_^

Aice Nice Concepts

NafaSg said...

Hi Aice...

Thanks! Glad u like our article. Oh a tag? Ok will check it out! =)

Rolando said...

Hey NAFA, I like the new theme update. Having a theme you're happy with probably makes you look youthful.

You've captured the main tips. I'd also add:

- reduce stress
- embrace life
- don't bottle up feelings
- moisturize morning and night
- floss

NafaSg said...

Hey Rolando!

Really? Thanks a lot!! Glad u like it. Oh yes not only do we want to stay youthful, but we also want our blog to stay youthful too. Really appreciate your compliment!

And thanks for adding more tips pertaining to our topic here. Very good ones there! Especially when u mention about embracing life and not bottling up feelings. These are really important for all of us! =)

Trix said...

Another super post from the friendliest and most adorable team on the Web!
I love the new look, wow...and who is the writer of your posts, mmm...a very mysterious team, I might add...Half the time I dont even know who I am talking to...which makes it all the more fun ! :)

Laughter is really the best medicine for anyone and also drinking lots of water...and having a great attitude towards life and aging! We all have to age, so lets hopefully do it with lots of grace and dignity and laughter.


NafaSg said...

Hey Jesse!!!

Thanks for coming. Glad u like our post! And more good tips from u there. Thanks a lot! Yes darling, it is all within u. Just set your minds and souls to feel young and hyped up, no matter how old u are. Everyone has the rights to stay young!

Hehe. The writer of this post actually used to study medicine. He always has good health tips to share, including this one! Oooh...mysterious huh? But no worries, we may be mysterious but we are not scary people. We are all here to make friends with amazing people like u!

And we're so happy u like our new layout! Thanks a lot for your compliments, and your valuable comments on this post.

Take care and have a great week ahead. =)

Mariuca said...

Hi NAFA! I like the last tip the best. The other day B made me laugh so hard, I couldn't stop! But it felt so good after that LOL! :):):)

NafaSg said...

Hi GP!!

Oh your fave tip is the last one? Cool! Laughter is the key to staying young. nice to hear both u and B having a good time til u laugh so hard. But it sure did make u feel good there and even reduce all your stress. Good for u! =)

Anonymous said...

i agree, laughter is still the best way to stay younger :)

NafaSg said...

Hey Bliss...

Yes we agree on that! Just let down your hair and laugh out as loud as u want to. =)