Physically, one would feel lethargic and less energetic the following day after a whole day of relaxation the day before, knowing that he or she has to get on the feet to work or school and start cracking his or her brain again.
But ask yourself! How long are you going to put up with these Monday blues? Are you going to hate Mondays for the rest of your life? Monday is actually just like any other day of the week that you should not dread.
We are pretty sure that there is something about Monday that can bring sparkles to your life, if you set yourself to believe so. It is all in the mind! Do not let psychology control you. You should take control of your psychology.
So let us help you get your psychological self get back on track, forget about what makes you detest Mondays and focus on the joy that Mondays can bring upon you. Here are ways for you to have a more positive perception of Mondays:
Wake Up Early
If you can rise and shine as early as possible, you would be able to get yourself prepared for the day, not only in terms of preparation of clothes and working materials, but also, mentally and spiritually. In fact, if you choose to get up late, you may end up being in an adrenaline rush, resulting in the feeling of being tensed and agitated, which can possible ruin your entire day. That would not be a good way to start of your Monday! So it would work at your advantage if you wake yourself up early to keep yourself fresh and full of life.
Set A Routine
Set a routine for yourself that you can get the habit of doing. This will help you start off the week being more prepared and refraining from forgetting some things. On the day before, plan what you would need to prepare and all you would need to do the next day would be to execute the plan. Make this a life routine that you can make use of to get you all set, not just on Monday, but every other day too.
Make A Delicious Breakfast

You will not be able to think properly and will have to put up with gastric pains that will affect your work performance for the day. You would not want that to add up to your Monday blues right? So ensure that you take a healthy breakfast that will get your energy boosting.
Leave Your House Early
This will allow you some time to put up with some unforeseen circumstances that can happen while you are on your way to work or school, such as major traffic jam, accidents, or heavy rain which can slow down traffic. At least there is still a chance for you to reach your destination punctually, thus making your day a little less gloomy.
Change Your Daily Route To Work/School
Make changes to the route you take every day. Viewing the scenery of the same route may become cliché and lead you to boredom throughout the week, especially on a Monday. So make yourself enjoy your journey to work or school by going to other directions that can still eventually lead you to your destination.
Make An Agenda
At work or school, give yourself a few minutes to prepare the agenda for the day. Plunging straight to your tasks would take up all the energy that you need for the entire day, and in turn, you will become exhausted during the later part of the day. In fact, just focusing directly on your work the moment you reach your school or workplace may make your entire work become disorganized and will get your mind all tangled up. Hence, you should set aside a few minutes to ‘start your engine’.
Start Your Day With A Fresh Mindset
NEVER kicks start your day with unnecessary mind-disrupting tasks like checking e-mails. It will just accumulate the amount of stress in you, which will weaken your spirit to get on your feet. Start your day with a fresh mind rather than an occupied mind.
Here is another tip from us, and that would be to start your Monday by reading this article! Hope that with this article, we can make you get rid of those Monday blues and transform your Monday into a day in the week that you might just look forward to the most.
You are most welcomed to share with us here on how you overcome your Monday blues, which could be good tips for us to learn from you as well.
To all our fellow readers and friends, we wish you Happy Mondays always!
I can imagine how bad the Monday BLues are for working pple. I'm glad that I do not have to face it now... hehe ;p
Its scary how the queue at the clinic is on a Monday morning cos a lot of pple will go c doctor to apply for MC. Do you encounter that before? :)
Janice Ng
Hi Jan,
Yes of course i do encounter it before.
Especially back in college, trying to feign a sickness skipping classes. *lol*
As the system goes, first come first serve! =)
Hi Guys-nafa + Ladies-Nafa...
Ya i agree with u.Have to make sure we maintain a happy outlook and dun spoil the week.Our thoughts determine our week. Thanks for the post!
More great tips! Mondays would be great if only they were shorter.
But if that happened than that would mean less time with you guys.
The best thing that works for me is creating a plan for Monday on Sunday... This way I wake up on Monday knowing that I'm ready to have a productive day.
Hi Mr Fong...
That's right! Positive outlook is essential. Smile and the world will smile with u. That is one thing that we should always set our minds to do when Monday comes. Thanks for reading this! =)
Hi Rolando...
Yes we too wish that Monday would be shorter. But what u have actually done, my friend, is to look at it in such a way that if Monday was not a long day in the first place, u would not be able to spend more time with us. Hehe! That's nice. And one good way to keep the Monday blues away. =)
Hi Sleeping Dude...
Yes u did the right thing. Planning your weekly routine actually keeps u mentally and physically prepared for the activities of the week. Continue to do so and u will always stay productive like the way u are right now. =)
He he he, I will definitely try to work on ur number 1 suggestion! :):):)
Genie Princess
Hi Marzie,
Thank you for implementing one of our suggestions.
Do keep us inform whether if the method works well for you. =)
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