This sentence, ‘I am eating an apple’, sounds very easy to read and comprehend. But if you ask a child who is diagnosed with dyslexia to read that simple sentence, he or she will picture it as one of the most difficult sentences he or she has ever come across.
Dyslexia is a mental syndrome that slows down the child’s thinking process. The child will encounter difficulties grasping even the simplest words or sentences. He or she will have troubles speaking and writing too. This health condition usually comes together with another disease called Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), a disease that causes a child to become prone to restlessness.
Dyslexia can sometimes be resulted from heredity from a family member. It can strike any child, regardless of age and gender. Hence, this condition should be identified as early as possible, because the older they get, the worse it can be.
Let us explore some steps that parents can put into practice to assist these children:
ü Get to the root of the problem with your child’s mental disabilities. Learn more about what he or she cannot read, write and understand. In this way, you will be able to determine how you would tackle this matter effectively.
ü Examine how your child studies something. Maybe he or she learns better with anything other than books, like with his or her ears. And perhaps he or she has an extraordinary talent that needs to be realized.
ü Create a positive environment for your child. Make him or her feel that he or she is just like any other children who have the rights to learn something in life.
ü Dyslexic children are prone to mistakes, so you should play a role model and teach your child how to tackle mistakes.
ü Concentrate on what the child can excel in. We are not born to be able to do everything, but we can do some things well and continue to improve on those areas that we can achieve excellence in.
ü Talk to the teacher to get more updates on the child’s progress and discuss what both of you can do to help the child.
ü You can allow the child to expose to television or radio. Usually, dyslexic children will have a better comprehension of the vocabulary and, at the same time, will be more motivated to pay attention. You can also pose a few questions based on what they have listened.
A dyslexic child is not stupid. The child just needs a bit more time than some other children. But as long as you, the parents, do not give up on helping your child, he or she will smell success in future, just like other ordinary children.
Thanks for your comments at my blog. I have read some of your articles at the site. Seems that you are an airstewardness based in Dubai. It must have been very hard to do so and takes a lot of courage to go to another country to work. Btw, a famous person who admitted to being mildly dyslexic was our minister mentor- Lee Kuan Yew and he turned out to be a brilliant orator who uses English better than the Englishman :) So how do I do the link exchange thingey? No idea how to do it, a bit of a blog novice.
Hi Lemizeraq...
Thanks for taking time to read our articles. Hopefully what you had mentioned abt our Minister Mentor would be an inspiration to all dyslexic children who may not believe in themselves as much as they should. Like i said, they are not stupid but they just need time to learn. =)
Anyway check out our exclusive interview done by Don Simkovich from 'Hey, Don'. U can find out more abt us there!
thanks Nafa, for adding me to your buddy lists...one of my nephew have dyslexia but his totally smart than other kids...the only problem he have is social aspect. TC have a night mondya night.
Hi Gwapasila...
Thanks for dropping by and sending your comment on this article.
Great to hear inspiring stories of dyslexic children like your nephew, who can still excel in life. All the more we shouldn't look down on them, but instead, continue to motivate them. =)
U have a great day ahead. Will visit your website soon. TC!
We have had some major break throughs with our Art From the Heart Workshops in realtion to dyslexia. We have found those suffering from dyslexia are very creative.
Hi Purple Lady,
Thanks for taking your time to read this. Yeah true enough! They are indeed very creative. I have also heard of dyslexic kids who have turned into prodigies of musical instruments like the piano.
We ought to be aware that they can be better off than some of us, and respect them for who they are. =)
Hi Nafa, this is interesting...Hmm, I am teaching some kids that are dyslexic, and they are really much smarter than the norm. So it is sometimes a surprise that they can't read,haha...
But dun worry, they are very talented. I agree with the post fully.Thank u! :)
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