Decisions, decisions and more decisions. This part of our lives will stick with us like glue as long as we live. It is never easy. Even the greatest decision-makers do not find it a piece of cake. But what is the difference between the greatest decision makers and those not so great ones?
Well…that difference is that the great ones can discover the right approach to decision-making. But hey, just because you are not that great, it does not mean you are abstained from determining your life’s goals and ambitions.
You just need to learn a little bit more of it. Which you can do right now, right here! The elementary essence of making life’s decision is that you are the main priority. Your life is nobody else’s but yours!
When you set your mind to achieve something, you must be assured that this is what you want. And as long as what you decide to do with your life will produce a positive consequence, you need not hold yourself back from it, and nobody else should hold you back from it too.
On the contrary, there are certain times when you may not be able to decide everything on your own.
You may need a significant other or even a few significant others to guide you. Of course, ultimately, as stated earlier, you are the main priority, meaning that no one should dictate your life’s directions. But sometimes you just need to realize that you are not born to be a know-it-all and those feedbacks and opinions from the others around you may save you from going off track.
In decision-making, the place where you wish to achieve that goal plays an integral part too. Based on my experience that is! I could recollect the year I completed high school. I received my results and was given several options in terms of the courses I could take up and the institutions I could enroll myself in.
I had already set my mind to opt for this particular institution, as the location was super convenient for me and, primarily, there were a selection of courses associated with Business Studies that I could choose from.
However, someone almost held me back from the decision, by claiming that the institution I opted for was a wrong choice to make. She put forth a suggestion that I should go to another institution, which was apparently a more prestigious institution to go to.
I did agree with her, but the place was just too far for me. I felt that the convenience of my place of study did matter. I would not want to see myself or be seen sleeping for lectures and tutorials, thus missing out on the essential information I would need to know. In other words, I felt that if the location was inconvenient, it could affect my performance as a student.
So I still stuck with my plan! And I was doing absolutely fine. No doubt about my choice at all! So make sure that if you strongly feel that the institution is of convenience for you, just aim for it yeah?
That is just the tip of the iceberg!
There is more to what it takes to approach decision-making the way it should be.Sometimes when you plan something, it does not go according to it. Do not feel victimized by it.
In fact, you should feel that if it does not go according to plan, it means that you are worthy of something better in your life or perhaps you just need more time to attain that particular goal. So what you should do is take a different step to your decisions.

Explore other ways to make that plan materialize. But remember; do not take that different step because you are coerced to do so. You are the main priority!
It would be best to list down several alternatives.
In life, you have to expect the unexpected. Things may not go your way. So if the first option does not work, you can always fall back on the other alternatives that could be worked on. But keep in mind the first option you wanted to go for. Do not just chuck it away!
After all, wasn’t this in the top of your list? Like I said, maybe you just need more time to attain it.
It is fine to change your mind halfway and make a new decision. But not too often though! In doing so, it shows that you are someone who gives up easily. You have gone through a setback and you just want to give the elbow and try a new one. And then another setback arises and you continue to make a new decision. The ball just keeps rolling…but how long can you go on with it?
So do make a new decision if you need to, and then dedicate yourself to it for a long time. In decision-making, your strong self-confidence really counts!
I understand that majority of us do have to endure these obstacles in deciding how your life will look like.
We do not have the power to predict everything in our lives. This is an opened issue. There is so much more to decision-making than what I have penned down here. So keep your comments pouring! Would love to hear from you too!
Even I still need to learn something about making the right decisions in my life…
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